✨When it comes to poultry, Klong Phai Farm offers two distinct options: the Green Label Chicken and the Red Label Chicken. Each variety boasts unique characteristics, catering to different tastes and culinary preferences. Let’s delve into the specifics:

🟢 Green Label Chicken: Farm Pasture-Raised 🐔

🔹Texture: Green Label Chicken presents a robust exterior with a tender, succulent interior. Its texture is firm, offering a satisfying bite with every mouthful.

🔹Taste: Renowned for its exceptional flavor, Green Label Chicken delivers a rich and savory taste experience, elevating any dish it graces.

🔹Cooking Requirements: Cooking Green Label Chicken demands precision and patience. With a longer preparation time and specialized techniques, it’s favored by seasoned chefs and cooking enthusiasts. Overcooking risks dryness, requiring careful attention to detail.

🔹Growth Period: Raised over approximately 80 days, Green Label Chickens reach a weight ranging from 1.7 to 1.9 kilograms.

🔴 Red Label Chicken: Free-Range Farm 🐔

🔸Texture: Red Label Chicken offers a tender, yet firm meat texture—neither overly soft nor mushy. It strikes a balance, providing a pleasant chew without compromising on juiciness.

🔸Versatility: Ideal for those seeking culinary flexibility, Red Label Chicken adapts effortlessly to various cooking methods. Whether baked, grilled, boiled, or fried, it remains versatile and forgiving, accommodating both novice and experienced cooks alike.

🔸Growth Period: With a shorter growth cycle of around 60 days, Red Label Chickens mature swiftly, attaining a weight between 1.4 and 1.5 kilograms.

In essence, the disparity between Green Label Chicken and Red Label Chicken lies in their texture, taste, cooking requirements, and growth periods. While Green Label Chicken boasts a tougher texture and gourmet flavor profile suited for adept cooks, Red Label Chicken offers a softer texture, culinary adaptability, and accessibility for cooks of all levels. Your preference hinges on your culinary expertise, flavor preferences, and the dish you intend to create.